Friday, October 29, 2010

Lets Go Comfy!

Don't forget to check out our family business, LetsGoComfy, at!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My scrapbook yard

I realized as I was walking around my yard that my yard is my friends and family scrapbook.
Here we have the 4 lilac bushes my friend Rose told me to pull up from the yard at our old house because the current renter would just mow them down! They bloomed this year and are very happy they were rescued. Here is the crab apple tree my dad bought for $0.50 cents from Walmart when they were on there way to the dumpster. One of many that is thriving and delightful to behold in any season, most especially spring.  Ah, the catalpa my dear husband bought for me, dug a hole for, and helped me plant.  It blooms later then the catalpa's in town and is growing strong and tall.  The flowers are amazing to me, like little lilies that don't know they are supposed to fragile and fussy. Red hot pokers, from Nebraska via Rose and Frank. 
The willow tree I planted for little ones to play under, now Zoe likes to "hike" under its long reaching branches. Here, reaching to the high heavens, are the extension office trees planted when we first moved in.  Everyone helped with those, they were just a twig, mere hopes of trees, when we planted them almost 17 years ago.  The weeds were always taller then they were the first year, but some survived and now they gracefully beckon you to the shadows under their branches.  The rocks in the pond from a dear friend, placed with great care by my brother Larry. 

 Finally, we have the drama queen of the prairie, the Ohio Buckeye John bought for an anniversary, mother's day, I love you so much day.  He had to search for it like treasure and finally found it at the back of the lot at the tree farm. We carefully picked a spot for it and babied it the first year. Now, it hosts giant bumble bees in the spring and goes through every season with flare and extravagance.

My scrap book yard, I see my dears ones every where. Sometimes you will see me with my head buried in the branches, like the arms of a friend, tears of joy running down my cheeks.

Will the dust praise You?

Psalm 30:9 "What gain is there in my destruction,in my going down into the pit? Will the dust praise you?Will it proclaim your faithfulness?"
New blog post at Running Committed, click to view.

Monday, October 19, 2009

What a wonderful world...

Louis Armstrong, his velvet voice filling the room "I think to myself, what a wonderful world", always brings a smile to my face. I have told my family for years I want this song to play at my funeral. It is such a joyful, bittersweet picture of life. What would I do if I knew I only had two weeks to live, give or take a week? No one really knows when they will die, some have a time frame, a season, most of just hope it is much later then now. The older I get the more I appreciate the verse Philipians 1:21 "to live is Christ, to die is gain". This becomes expounded in my brain to this: to live in this world with all this hurt, joy, and people requires the grace of God to keep breathing, His strength for me to fulfill His purposes; but if I died, when I die, I will see Christ, I will gain everlasting joy. I will gain.

So, the last two weeks? I want to be at home with family and friends. I want to make sure all the important stuff is shared, passed down to the next generation. I want to remember and my children to remember what God has done for us. I want my flowers early to enjoy, along with the faces trying to say good bye without saying good bye. I want to remember it is just fare thee well, till we meet again.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Little House - The Rockie Season

Homer is a faithful Rockies fan. You can imagine his disappointment when we heard the game would not be on tv. Ah, like the old days we pulled out the radio, found 850KOA on the dial and cranked it up. Each beautiful Rockie run was punctuated with a celebratory clap. Marge worked on her afghan while we waited for them to win. Alas, a painful ending, we followed every pitch, every call, and yet we fell to Philly.

Now, about those Broncos..

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Grandma & Grandpa's big weekend!

When Homer & Marge lived in Colorado years ago they attended a little church called Harvest Fellowship. It met in a storefront between the liquor store and the pool hall on main street Brighton. They grew enough to need to move to a local school and dreamed of their own building. Homer & Marge helped in their own small way with fund raising and donations, as did all the members of the church. The long awaited building was completed in April. This weekend Homer & Marge attended the Saturday night service with Shirley and the Sunday morning service with Susan. The door greeter asked if they were visitors, and we said "No, they have come back home." Many people recognized them and they were showered with hugs and kisses.

Sunday was Josiah's birthday and Rebekah hosted a great party for their friends and family. We saw 1116 pictures of their Alaska trip, had great food, great fellowship, and fantastic cobbler and cake. Homer & Marge enjoyed an evening with their grandkids and longtime family friends.

The house hunt continues, we want to make sure we get them in a good location in a great house. Plus, we want to make sure Grandpa has the garden weeded and grandma has crocheted us all the afghans we want before they move! She just finished one and is about to start another.

Monday, May 11, 2009

We're engaged!

Rebekah and I got engaged on May 9th, 2009! After a long hike up Green Mountain in Boulder, around the Flatirons, we settled on a good rock (now dubbed Ring Rock) for a picnic lunch. After munching, Beka reached in the pack for desert and found the ring box. After I opened the empty box, I found the ring where Maria had hid it in another box in my pack. Thanks, Maria, for keeping it interesting!

Tentatively we have set the date for July 18th. View photos from the day here.